

#installation #pico

Installation, Pico, version 2.xTop

To use this theme blog, you have to install it, and install 3 others plugins.

Install the themeTop

  • Clone this repo, or downoald it as a zip archive outside your Pico directory
  • Copy the content of the solarizedLightBlog directory in the themes folder of your Pico installation and change the following setting within your config.yml:
logo: assets/myLogo.jpg

With the logo line, you will config the logo of your blog. It is mandatory to provide and config this logo as a 32x32 image (jpg or png).


Use the PicoTag plugin to add tags to your blog. You have just to make the installation part of the README. The templates of this blog has already been set to use this plugin. Then add the following line to your config.yml

PicoTags.enabled: true
  # Do you want to sort tags (case unsensitive) ?
  # true or false
  asort: true
  # Do you want to remove from the tags list
  # the ones that are used in only one page ?
  # true or false
  delunique: false
  # Specify the Twig template to use for the tag pages
  # The file has to be inside the theme in use folder
  # You have to indicate the ` `.twig` extension
  # See the template section into the README.md.
  template: tag.twig
  # This is a way to split the tag_list array in multiple arrays.
  # See the template section into the README.md for more info
  # on how to access them.
  nbcol: 1
  # Excluding pages from the tags list based on their template.
  # It has to be a string, with the `pipe (|)` as separator.
  # You have to escape single quotes with a backslash.
  # /!\ Be careful :
  # in some cases you can obtain 404 error
  # when there is no articles to display in a tag page.
  excluded_templates: "category|supcategory"


We use the TableOfContent plugin to generate table of content of each article.

  • Clone the github.com/mcbSolutions/Pico-Plugins repo or download it as a zip archive outside your Pico directory.
  • Copy the mcb_TableOfContent folder in your plugins directory.
  • The templates of this blog has already been set to use this plugin.
  • You can do the optional config.


We use the pico-comments plugin to add comments to the blog's article.

  • Clone the github.com/push-eax/pico-comments repo or download it as a zip archive outside your Pico directory.
  • Copy the PicoComments.php file in a PicoComments folder in your plugins directory.
  • The templates of this blog has already been set to use this plugin.
  • add the following line to your config.yml
    # whether the comments plugin is enabled. comment data will not be available to Twig if this is false
    enabled: true
    # maximum character size of comments. comments larger than this will be rejected
    comment_size_limit: 40000
    # whether comments must be approved before displaying them to other users
    comment_review: false

    Plugin DirectoryTop

Your plugin directory should look like this:

mcb_TableOfContent  PicoComments  PicoDeprecated  PicoTags

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